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International Trends & Services

The International Trends Facet supports all National and Area Links initiatives. Our support of Education Across the Miles over the years has been to participate in donating for Maama kits distributed in Ghana and Uganda and the creation of our own school in South Africa, as well as, collaborating in the school started by the Eastern Area. About 20 years ago, ECCL raised funds to build a bore hole in Ghana to provide clean water for women that avoided unsafe solo trips to find a suitable water supply for their cooking and cleaning needs. A side benefit was the social aspect as women gathered in the area. ECCL, at the highest level, financially supported the HBCU-Liberia initiative at Monrovia College. For several years, the support for Samaritan’s Feet provided new and nearly new shoes and funds for those in need in Africa. For 7 years, ECCL ran an internationally focused literacy program at the Newark Boys and Girls Club. The monthly sessions focused on books of the African Diaspora and each child was given an age-appropriate book to keep as well as supporting educational activities.  International Women’s Day events were held which celebrated the tremendous fortitude of women. Motivated by the problems that women face in some African countries to be educated, namely funds and access, ECCL is on its 9th year of support for 10 high school aged women annually at Tender Talents Magnet School in Kampala Uganda. Our largest project to date is the ongoing relationship with Education Across the Miles: Jamaica. Our current president, Tammye Jones, saw the need at the first mission trip in 2017. We embarked on the development of an unused acre of land which was turned into an organic garden, the source of fresh vegetables for the use in the school’s cafeteria, an ongoing vocational laboratory and the site of science lessons. We continue to visit the school annually to teach. ECCL is a strong partner with St. Mary’s Preparatory School and is on the national team that prepares for the annual mission trips. 

International Trends & Services Facet Co-Chairs

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P. O. Box 3001, 16 Main Street, West Orange, NJ 07052

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